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Twelve Months of the Year – mp3 song download

Get the single, Twelve Months of the Year, and sing the months of the year. The song starts slow and easy with an easy-to-remember melody and gets faster and faster. Challenge your students and see if they know the months of some popular holidays as well!

Track: 15
Target Vocab: Jan., Feb., March, months of the year, when is ~?

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BINGOBONGO Rock Song: Twelve Months of the Year

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This BINGOBONGO song, Twelve Months of the Year, is another simple, yet addictive, song that starts out slow and increases in speed while repeating the months of the year.
In addition to learning all of the months in their proper order, kids will also learn to ask and answer questions about when various holidays are throughout the year as well as when their classmates’ birthdays are.
As with the days of the week, it’s never too early to help your kids remember the months of the year.


AGO kids ESL free worksheets and flashcards

Don’t miss out on the free BINGOBONGO flashcards and worksheets to go along with the songs for the ultimate English lessons!




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