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Hands Hands – mp3 song download

Get the single, Hands Hands, and learn lots of body parts and gestures. It’s an easy song that starts out slow and gets faster and faster with lots of exciting action.

Track: 07
Target Vocab: Actions and verbs, prepositions, body parts

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BINGOBONGO Rock Song: Hands Hands

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This BINGOBONGO song, Hands Hands, will teach kids about 12 different parts of the human body plus lots of prepositions of place. It’s another fun song that gets everyone actively involved, moving their bodies and doing gestures while they sing. It also increases in speed to hold students’ attention and challenge them to go faster and faster all while their brains are soaking up the English with ease.


AGO kids ESL free worksheets and flashcards

Don’t miss out on the free BINGOBONGO flashcards and worksheets to go along with the songs for the ultimate English lessons!




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