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  • Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets. Get the free ESL flashcard pack to go along with the BINGOBONGO Rock song, At 6:00 I Get Up and rock out throughout the day. These flashcards, used together with the song, will make your ESL and English classes the most popular classes around.
  • Kids love games to stay motivated, so our free ESL worksheets called English Race Time are the perfect way to keep English lessons exciting. They're also versatile, and with a little creativity, teachers can create new games for ESL education. Don't forget to check out our song "What Time Is It?" to singalong and practice telling the time in a fun and exciting way! Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets. Get the free ESL flashcard pack, "Time 1" to teach your students how to tell the time. What time is it? Is it 1:00 PM, 2:10 AM or 7:32 AM? With these simple and easy-to-use flashcards, your students will always know the time of day whether they are using a digital or an analog clock. Suited for beginners and young children, these free flashcards will make your ESL and English classes the most popular classes around.
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