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  • If you haven't tried our interactive PDF flashcards, you don't know what you're missing! These are full of options and settings that allow you to build your own customizable flashcards. Want to practice vowels only? Maybe you prefer flashcards with uppercase letters? No problem! There are six modes that will get your students spelling and saying the words fast!! There's also an option to put buy the flashcards with your own custom logo and make your lesson stand out from the rest.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~an lowercase. man, can, fan, van, pan   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~AN. MAN, CAN, FAN, VAN, PAN   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~ap lowercase. map, cap, nap, tap, clap   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~AP. MAP, CAP, NAP, TAP, CLAP   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~at lowercase. mat, hat, cat, bat, rat   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~AT. MAT, HAT, CAT, BAT, RAT   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~ip lowercase. dip, tip, ship, lip, clip   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~IP. DIP, TIP, SHIP, LIP, CLIP   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~op lowercase. shop, top, mop, stop, cop   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~OP. SHOP, TOP, MOP, STOP, COP   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~ug lowercase. hug, mug, jug, rug, bug   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • English Reading Word Spinners are one of the best tools for teaching children and ESL students how to read, write, and understand phonics. These colorful word spinners are even better than fidget spinners because students can enjoy making them. Teachers can enjoy them because they're educational. This English Reading Word Spinner features words that have the pattern, ~UG. HUG, MUG, JUG, RUG, BUG   Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets.
  • Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets. Get these free ESL alphabet flashcards containing the vocabulary from our book, Super Easy ABCs and 123s Writing Practice and Phonics FUN!bookand teach your students how to read and write in a fun new way! Our Focused Repetition Method teaches ABCs and phonics by associating each letter and its sound with a group of 5 fun vocab words! After that you can use our free worksheets or order the book and master reading and writing! Don't forget to practice the 5 words in this flashcard pack with our funky and easy to remember chants on our YouTube channel, BINGOBONGO Rock. (coming soon) No time to print and laminate flashcards? No problem! These flashcards are now available in our Digital Interactive Flashcard format. Just click and start using the flashcards on your phone, tablet, computer or TV. (Landscape orientation is recommended!) Digital Interactive English Flashcards Letter X Or click the link below to download the printable version. (Registered users only.)
  • Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets. Get these free ESL alphabet flashcards containing the vocabulary from our book, Super Easy ABCs and 123s Writing Practice and Phonics FUN!bookand teach your students how to read and write in a fun new way! Our Focused Repetition Method teaches ABCs and phonics by associating each letter and its sound with a group of 5 fun vocab words! After that you can use our free worksheets or order the book and master reading and writing! Don't forget to practice the 5 words in this flashcard pack with our funky and easy to remember chants on our YouTube channel, BINGOBONGO Rock. No time to print and laminate flashcards? No problem! This flashcards is now available in our Digital Interactive Flashcard format. Just click and start using the flashcards on your phone, tablet, computer or TV. (Landscape orientation is recommended!) Digital Interactive English Flashcards Letter A Or click the link below to download the printable version. (Registered users only.)
  • Members of the Teacher Basic and Teacher Plus plans get unlimited download access to all the single worksheets and PDF resources in the ABC FUN!box and across the entire site! Sign up now!

    Get these free ESL alphabet flashcards containing the vocabulary from our book, Super Easy ABCs and 123s Writing Practice and Phonics FUN!bookand teach your students how to read and write in a fun new way! Our Focused Repetition Method teaches ABCs and phonics by associating each letter and its sound with a group of 5 fun vocab words! After that you can use our free worksheets or order the book and master reading and writing!

    Don't forget to practice the 5 words in this flashcard pack with our funky and easy to remember chants on our YouTube channel, BINGOBONGO Rock. (coming soon) No time to print and laminate flashcards? No problem!

    These flashcards are now available in our Digital Interactive Flashcard format. Just click and start using the flashcards on your phone, tablet, computer or TV. (Landscape orientation is recommended!) Digital Interactive English Flashcards Letter B Or click the link below to download the printable version. (Registered users only.)

  • Members of the Teacher Basic and Teacher Plus plans get unlimited download access to all the single worksheets and PDF resources in the ABC FUN!box and across the entire site! Sign up now!

    Get these free ESL alphabet flashcards containing the vocabulary from our book, Super Easy ABCs and 123s Writing Practice and Phonics FUN!bookand teach your students how to read and write in a fun new way! Our Focused Repetition Method teaches ABCs and phonics by associating each letter and its sound with a group of 5 fun vocab words! After that you can use our free worksheets or order the book and master reading and writing! Don't forget to practice the 5 words in this flashcard pack with our funky and easy to remember chants on our YouTube channel, BINGOBONGO Rock. (coming soon) No time to print and laminate flashcards? No problem! These flashcards are now available in our Digital Interactive Flashcard format. Just click and start using the flashcards on your phone, tablet, computer or TV. (Landscape orientation is recommended!) Digital Interactive English Flashcards Letter C Or click the link below to download the printable version. (Registered users only.)
  • Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets. Get these free ESL alphabet flashcards containing the vocabulary from our book, Super Easy ABCs and 123s Writing Practice and Phonics FUN!bookand teach your students how to read and write in a fun new way! Our Focused Repetition Method teaches ABCs and phonics by associating each letter and its sound with a group of 5 fun vocab words! After that you can use our free worksheets or order the book and master reading and writing! Don't forget to practice the 5 words in this flashcard pack with our funky and easy to remember chants on our YouTube channel, BINGOBONGO Rock. (coming soon) No time to print and laminate flashcards? No problem! These flashcards are now available in our Digital Interactive Flashcard format. Just click and start using the flashcards on your phone, tablet, computer or TV. (Landscape orientation is recommended!) Digital Interactive English Flashcards Letter D Or click the link below to download the printable version. (Registered users only.)
  • Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets. Get these free ESL alphabet flashcards containing the vocabulary from our book, Super Easy ABCs and 123s Writing Practice and Phonics FUN!bookand teach your students how to read and write in a fun new way! Our Focused Repetition Method teaches ABCs and phonics by associating each letter and its sound with a group of 5 fun vocab words! After that you can use our free worksheets or order the book and master reading and writing! Don't forget to practice the 5 words in this flashcard pack with our funky and easy to remember chants on our YouTube channel, BINGOBONGO Rock. (coming soon) No time to print and laminate flashcards? No problem! These flashcards are now available in our Digital Interactive Flashcard format. Just click and start using the flashcards on your phone, tablet, computer or TV. (Landscape orientation is recommended!) Digital Interactive English Flashcards Letter E Or click the link below to download the printable version. (Registered users only.)
  • Login or register to download free flashcards and worksheets. Get these free ESL alphabet flashcards containing the vocabulary from our book, Super Easy ABCs and 123s Writing Practice and Phonics FUN!bookand teach your students how to read and write in a fun new way! Our Focused Repetition Method teaches ABCs and phonics by associating each letter and its sound with a group of 5 fun vocab words! After that you can use our free worksheets or order the book and master reading and writing! Don't forget to practice the 5 words in this flashcard pack with our funky and easy to remember chants on our YouTube channel, BINGOBONGO Rock. (coming soon) No time to print and laminate flashcards? No problem! These flashcards are now available in our Digital Interactive Flashcard format. Just click and start using the flashcards on your phone, tablet, computer or TV. (Landscape orientation is recommended!) Digital Interactive English Flashcards Letter F Or click the link below to download the printable version. (Registered users only.)
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